Customer Reviews

Recommendation from Keith’s Customers

Keith Cutter expertly and wisely helped me evaluate a few properties I was considering near Sandpoint. Keith is highly skilled with his meters and has a thorough understanding of EMFs. He is a patient and
kind teacher, and explained clearly to me (and in different ways to make sure I understood) what the data he was getting meant for the EMFs in the environment. He organized the data so it was easy to
refer back to later. He encouraged me to spend time considering a situation with higher-than-expected magnetic fields, and he gave immediate and easily-doable solutions to a smart meter found on one
property. He kindly offered to share his data with an EMF consultant I’d worked with in the Bay Area in California. I really enjoyed working with Keith, got exactly what I needed to evaluate properties,
and learned a lot in the process.
-Cynthia (featured in the book Wi-Fi Refugee by Shannon Rowan)

Keith’s compassion and deep understanding of electrical sensitivity have been a true blessing for me. When I purchased a house I thought would be safe for me in a remote area, far from town and neighbors, I found myself in an EMF nightmare. Keith’s knowledge of local RF sources (radar and public safety repeaters), enabled him to create a safer living space for me amidst the electric fields, dirty electricity, and RF radiation that had been causing me distress. I am immensely grateful for his help, and I wouldn’t consider buying another house without Keith’s expert evaluation.

-Barbara, Carrywood

Keith Cutter was of enormous support to me when I lived in North Idaho. He came highly recommended by a friend and did the most thorough EMF remediation assessment that I could have imagined. He checked not only the radio frequency and microwave levels in my home, but also the magnetic fields, the dirty electricity, and more! He helped me recognize and understand things that I had not known before. And he shared his wisdom and insights in such a gentle, calming way, that I did not feel panicked upon recognizing the things that needed to be changed in my home.

-Jeanice (featured in the book Wi-Fi Refugee by Shannon Rowan), Sandpoint

My wife, Robin, and I first met Keith Cutter after a talk he gave about EMF in the fall of 2021. We scheduled an appointment to test our home EMFs with him shortly thereafter. I had been aware of the dangers of EMF for a while. While at work, I am overwhelmed with EMF on a daily basis. Robin and I wanted our home in North Idaho to be a place of respite, as free of EMF as possible.

Keith arrived at our home with all his equipment in December 2021. He tested 3 areas in our small home, with the electricity on and then with the electricity turned off. He tested for EMFs, including dirty electricity, electric fields, magnetic fields, and radio frequency (microwave) radiation. There were a few concerning results, especially the dirty electricity. Keith provided us with several options for remediation. We implemented as many as we could. We had a whole house dirty electricity filter installed. We had switches installed in the bedrooms so that we could turn off the electricity in our bedroom while we slept. During the testing, we also discovered that our stove was emitting WiFi. After some trial and error, I disabled this feature in the stove. When we had our follow-up appointment, about 3 months later, we noted very significant improvements in all our electromagnetic fields.

Keith is a dedicated professional with a deep understanding of his field. He was always quick to respond to our emails and calls, and was always courteous. We thoroughly enjoyed every interaction with Keith. We would gladly use him again if questions arise and have recommended Keith to our friends.

-Larry and Robin, Sandpoint

After three pretty big exposures to microwave radiation (MWR), I found myself more sensitive to EMF fields than most people. Now I believe that many people are sensitive but don’t equate their symptoms with wireless.

In March 2020 I moved from a rural area with VERY low MWR but high EMF to a city in Kootenai County. I knew it would be tough for me but thought I would simply get used to it. When I moved in I noticed that my neighbors to the east (25 feet away) had their wireless router about two feet from the side of my house and blasting the middle of my manufactured home. At the time, I thought I could get away with putting thin emergency blankets up, covering the east wall in my bedroom, while ignoring the living room and my office, which were also affected. Gradually I slipped into a state of exhaustion after new neighbors on the west side moved in (Summer 2022) and when I finally (after 6 months) asked them where their wireless router was located, he showed me — in the corner of the living room facing the entire west side of my new home. So while everything electronic in my home including phones are corded and not putting out any MWR, I was being hit pretty hard. My EMFields Accousticom meter was in the red in nearly every part of my home since my new neighbors moved in. And then I hit the moment of defeat when I was leaving one grocery store to go to another one, when crossing Highway 95. At the stop light I could feel all the smart cars around me literally pinging my head. I was also beginning to look pretty ashen while feeling depressed in the middle of winter when I needed to have a safe place to retreat to and had none. I was getting desperate. The prospect of moving yet again was daunting considering the current real estate market.

I called Keith Cutter with out of desperation and asked him how soon he could do a thorough analysis of my home with recommendations for shielding. Thankfully, he was able to add me to his schedule within the next 6 days. Keith arrived with his wife Laura who acted as his secretary, recording everything he measured. They spent 6 hours total doing a very thorough assessment with recommendations. It was a real eye opener for me since Keith’s equipment also covered EMF fields that were also affecting my ability to go into a deep sleep. My office was also pretty bad with two computers, a printer, a modem and router, and corded phone, etc.

Based on his recommendations, I ordered the least expensive and most effective shielding I could get and then realized I needed help installing the basic shielding. Keith and Laura offered to help on a weekend and even brought their son over to help, going out of their way to protect me enough to survive here until I am able to move from here. While I can’t say I am thriving, I finally was able to afford the bed canopy he had also recommended. So turning off the electricity at night to my bedroom (which also kills the phone line and computers) has made the biggest difference yet along with the canopy and protective fitted mattress sheet. Unless we have a place to go to with relatively ZERO MWR/EMFs when we sleep, it is virtually impossible for the body to recover.

I have learned so much from Keith’s own journey and his detailed assessment of my home and specific recommendations. Both Keith and his wife Laura’s sincere dedication to serving people really comes through when you have them over to do an assessment of your home. His podcast also has so much to offer us as well as his article in the Summer 2022 Wise Traditions quarterly Journal

I have been truly blessed by their services. So while it is tempting to do a DIY shielding of your place, if you live in the Panhandle of Idaho or in Eastern Washington, I highly recommend that you also have Keith and Laura do an assessment of your home. Follow his recommendations so you don’t end up in the bad shape I was in when I finally called him. You will not be disappointed.

If you value your health (EMF/ MWR depresses the immune system), your ability to think clearly (think short term memory loss), your ability to be mobile without your joints failing (think hip and knee surgeries) and your ability to hear without hearing aids (got tinnitus?) and see without continually changing prescriptions –don’t hesitate to call or email Keith Cutter for an appointment TODAY.

Ingri, Hayden

Keith Cutter of EMF Remedy is the best! I found my Sagle dream home online, came to see it in person and do building inspections. No success finding an EMF inspector until close to my purchase offer deadline to waive contingencies. That’s when I found Keith Cutter.

Keith was so helpful, prioritizing my pre-sale EMF Assessment to meet this tight deadline. He did a complete EMF inspection, provided a thorough written report, a free consult with my previous EMF consultant back home, and walked me through the report results, taking the time to answer all my questions. Keith discovered that the house had some very high EMF/RF readings. However, I really wanted this house. Keith did not judge me in any way for wanting to proceed with the purchase.  Instead he gave honest feedback on what EMF remediation costs might run and the remediation challenges. Very honest feedback. He also brainstormed with me about possible ways to remediate.

Since purchasing the house, Keith has continued to work with me, along with an electrician, to track down and fix wiring errors, address dirty electricity issues, start trying out various possible shielding solutions. Also he is helping me figure out internet solutions with lowest RF exposure.

Keith is always quick to respond to my e-mails and phone calls, he listens to me and he understands that both electric/RF field reduction AND esthetics are important to me. He is working to find creative and best shielding solutions that meet my requirements.

Our EMF/RF shielding journey has just begun, but I am confident that Keith will help us figure out best solutions for our situation.

So glad I found Keith, I would hire him again and encourage anyone to have a pre or post sale EMF home assessment and custom remediation plan.

Sue, Bottle Bay

As first time home buyers we were skeptical of EMF’s being something
that would hold us back from purchasing our first home. EMF Remedy
made our decision clear and concise with such a wealth of information
and knowledge from Keith and his wife. We not only were educated on
the home itself but also were inspired to learn more about EMFs in our
everyday living. We now feel safe in our own home thanks to EMF

Elana, Sandpoint

We had Keith and Laura out to assess EMF levels in our home. They were very knowledgeable, thorough, and professional. They gave us detailed written information about what our sources of EMF radiation were, and a variety of strategies to mitigate them. Keith was great about answering follow up questions. We would highly recommend their services to anyone with concerns about any type of EMF pollution present in the home.

Tom and Brenda, Post Falls